SPIRIT WISDOM For Daily Living: Your Guide for Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being

Global News Centre

Submitted by Ace Knight

“SPIRIT WIDSOM FOR Daily Living: your guide to mental, emotional and spiritual well-being” is a motivational, inspirational spiritual book on the dynamics of life’s philosophic and religious dimensions. It teaches empowerment, the evolution of spirit, the psychological construct, free will and control over our actions. It is not a what to do, a how to do anything kind of book. My intent is not to tell people what to think; I just want to remind them that they have the ability to think for themselves, and maybe that will awaken the dormant powers within. This from a reader: “Thank you for putting your experience in words. It has inspired me to continue to discover who am I. you have given me answers to some burning questions that have been lingering with me for some time now. Thank you very much, with Love” —Clint G. Bridges 

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