Artist Tiffany Anderson “Tiffany ArtWork”

Global News Centre
Submitted by Ace Knight
My name is Tiffany Anderson and I am a 19-year-old self employed artist and entrepreneur. I am currently attending school for graphic design. I had just recently decided to take a plunge into devoting myself to my artwork when I realized it was truly a God given gift that I was meant to use. Recently I have been creating portraits for customers. It blesses me to know that something I created could bless someone else. I live in Fort Worth Texas and was recently invited to have my artwork in a show at the Lenora Rolla Heritage Museum (The inspiration for my Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela, and Frederick Douglas Pieces.) Art is truly my passion and I believe that if you strongly excel in something, you should put everything into making that your career, even if you think the odds are against you. Nothing is impossible. Tiffany Anderson
TIFFANY Artwork:
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