Without prevention, outrage and leadership, the Prescription Opioid/Heroin Epidemic will worsen in 2017

George Soros photo courtesy: Wikipedia
It will not be a good year for many in 2017 — for others, it will be very lucrative and his name is George Soros as a benefactor to “hitched stars.”
Marianne Skolek-Perez Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) I recently wrote an article for Global News Centre and Salem-News.com that generated quite a flurry of concern and discussion — the evil reach of George Soros in his attempts to legalize drugs in the U.S. and also Partnership for a Drug Free Kids funded by the FDA and Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin. Links to these articles are shown below.
Since Partnership is heavily financed by the FDA and Purdue Pharma that may be the reason they did not attend FDA meetings approving OxyContin for children and more recently guidelines established for infants being prescribed opioids. Partnership is known for their animated cartoon type advertisements for families dealing with drug addiction. When this runaway train of addiction and death progresses soon to children and infants, will Partnership utilize Sesame Street characters in their animated “educational videos” to help parents deal with addictions and deaths of children and infants?
Recently one of Partnership’s “peer parent coaches” put this on Twitter quoting from the Surgeon General’s report on the prescription opioid crisis. “In the battle against addiction, compassion is our most powerful weapon.” This statement by the Surgeon General and twittered by a representative of the $96 million Partnership for a Drug Free America does a complete disservice to all parents who are losing their kids to addiction. Compassion is not our most powerful weapon and they know that. Prevention is our most powerful weapon.
A non-profit organization calling itself “Facing Addiction” lists George Soros as its founding pioneer. Facing Addiction has taken some self-imposed pats on the back for “partnering and collaborating” with the Surgeon General, Vivek H. Murthy, MD on his recently released report — “Facing Addiction in America - The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health.” As a physician, the Surgeon General is very aware that addiction is a disease — not substance use disorder. Yet throughout his report, the words “substance use disorder” is used multiple times — not addiction. Where are the words “over-prescribing of opioids by physicians?” Where are the words “chronic pain should never be treated with opioids long-term?”
For those not familiar with George Soros, here is a brief bio of his “contributions to the betterment of the U.S.” He funds his own Open Society Foundation as well as the Drug Policy Alliance. Yes all you advocates out there — the Drug Policy Alliance. Soros is worth over $25 billion and has never hedged from his funding for drug legalization — all drugs both legal and illegal.
It will not be a good year for many in 2017 — for others, it will be very lucrative and his name is George Soros as a benefactor to “hitched stars.” Tagging right behind Soros are pharma and FDA contributions to Partnership for a Drug Free Kids. Unless there is prevention, outrage and true leadership in ending this epidemic, 2017 will unfortunately bring more deaths and addictions to every state in the country.
Global News Centre’s Marianne Skolek, is an Investigative Reporter who focuses on the Prescription Opioid/Heroin Epidemic in the U.S. and Canada. In particular, Marianne has covered the criminal marketing of OxyContin going back to 1999 and continuing to the present.
In 2002, Marianne lost her daughter, Jill to prescribed OxyContin which her physician referred to as “mobility in a bottle.” It was, in fact, death in a bottle. After doing extensive research on the maker of OxyContin, Purdue Pharma, Marianne began working with the Department of Justice in Virginia in their criminal investigation into Purdue Pharma and in July 2007 was asked by the U.S. Attorney John Brownlee prosecuting the case to testify against the three CEO’s of Purdue Pharma, Michael Friedman, Paul Goldenheim, MD and Howard Udell, Chief Counsel. The CEO’s pleaded guilty to misleading the medical profession about the dangers of OxyContin. Marianne also testified against Purdue Pharma at a Judiciary Hearing of the U.S. Senate in July 2007.
In addition, a dangerous and highly addictive opioid named Zohydro has been approved by the FDA against their Advisory Committee’s advice and Marianne continues to alert Attorneys General, Senators and Congressmen as to the FDA’s irresponsibility in the out of control prescription opioid/heroin epidemic killing and addicting in the tens of thousands each year. Zohydro has been referred to as “heroin in a capsule” and its lowest dosage (10mg) contains twice as much hydrocodone as found in a Vicodin pill. The highest single dose of Zohydro contains as much hydrocodone as 5 to 10 tablets of Vicodin or Lortab. Zohydro mixed with alcohol can be fatal and has no abuse deterrent built in which will make it easy to crush and deliver a fatal dose of the opioid.
Currently Marianne has been instrumental in calling for the termination of Margaret Hamburg, MD, Commissioner of the FDA as well as Bob A. Rappaport, MD and Douglas Throckmorton, MD for their lack of commitment to safeguarding the American public against the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic. Marianne’s research, writing and contact with government agencies and attorneys has also exposed the heavily funded pain foundations set up by the pharmaceutical industry and their paid physician spokespersons who convinced the medical boards in 50 states and Canada that dangerous opioids such as OxyContin were less likely to be addictive. These physicians — in particular Scott Fishman, MD, J. David Haddox, DDS, MD, Perry Fine, MD, Lynn R. Webster, MD, Russell Portenoy, MD also downplayed the risks of addictive opioids in books as authors. These books are still available for sale and promoted to the medical profession.
Here are links to Marianne’s involvement in exposing the national conspiracy of the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic, the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, their pain foundations and paid physician spokespersons.
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