Tag Archives: Isis
Hezbollah Has One Thing in Common With ISIS

It is important to note how the decisions of Israel’s policy makers to go to war in Lebanon in 1982, literally created what is now, decades of resentment among Shiite people toward the Zionist state.
Tim King
Hezbollah’s origin is directly related to the defense of Palestinian people who were forced out of their own country during the creation of Israel in 1947/48. The group came into existence to protect the Palestinian refugees of Lebanon after the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) agreed to pull out of the area in the early 1980’s. With Palestinian civilian refugees facing immense threat and pressure from both Israel’s military and the Lebanese Christian militias, Hezbollah was born under the fires of oppression and occupation. The group came to existence in a vacuum created by the exit of the PLO, and they are a highly accomplished military, political and humanitarian party in Lebanon with full participation in government policy.
Thoughts on the Paris attacks
Sudden shocks such as the Charlie Hebdo and Paris massacres have been used to justify the French to bolster its security and intelligence forces and introduce new surveillance laws. In ordinary times, such laws might have been vigorously opposed by the populace. When security trumps privacy, the terrorists win.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) France and the free world are in mourning following the horrible Paris massacre on November 13 by at least seven gunmen, killing 129 and wounding another 352, 99 critically.
Western Europe’s retreat from religion provides vacuum for ISIS recruitment

As young people ask questions about the meaning of life and seek to discover a meaning and purpose for their own lives, the place once occupied by the church is, more and more, now empty.
Allan Brownfeld Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) Terrorist attacks in such Western European cities as Paris, Copenhagen and Brussels indicate that the threat of radical Islam is growing in the heart of Europe. About four thousand Europeans have gone to fight with ISIS in Syria since the outbreak of war in 2011. Writing in The New Yorker, in an article entitled “Journey to Jihad,” Ben Taub notes that, “The migration of youths from seemingly stable and prosperous communities to fight with radical Islamists has bewildered not only their families but governments and security forces throughout Europe.”