Category Archives: Israel
Comment on allied strike on Syria

The allied attack on Syria dramatically illustrates Trump’s schizophrenic approach to the Syrian conflict.
Ralph E. Stone Global News Centre
(SAN FRANCISCO) On April 12, 2018, the U.S., Britain, and France launched a strike against Syrian research, storage, and military targets to punish Syrian president Bashar al-Assad for his suspected use of his air power to drop chemical weapons in an attack in the Damascus suburb of Guouta, where between 40 and 70 people were reported to have been killed by banned chlorine and sarin gases. The key word here is “suspected.” Assad and Russia have vigorously denied the allegations.
John the Baptist: “Major Player On the Palestinian Stage”
Special to Global News Centre
In fact, Roman law prohibited capital punishment at the hands of local courts such as those of the Jews. Capital punishment in any case had been made virtually impossible according Jewish law, which required that the two witnesses see each other, that the witnesses warn the perpetrator, etc.—all making it almost impossible that that Jews would have wanted to actually go through with an execution. Under Roman rule, Jews themselves, without Pilate, without the Romans, would never have been permitted to carry on capital punishment of anybody.
-Prof. Lawrence Schiffman, New York University
“Messenger of God” —Ace Knight (האגרון)
Two-State Solution Delusion

Netanyahu’s One Finger Answer To The Two-State Solution
Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001% of the world’s population and already has one of the world’s higher per capita incomes.
Ralph E Stone
(SAN FRANCISCO) A fantasy persists of a Israeli-Palestine peace agreement leading to an independent Palestine state in the land Israel has occupied since the 1967 Mideast War. It must be clear by now to anyone paying attention that Israel has no intention of engaging in meaningful peace negotiations that would result in an independent Palestinian state. Rather, Israel is slowly squeezing the Palestinians where the ultimate goal is to take over the entire country by erecting a wall or fence, which cuts deep into Palestinian territory, joining large Jewish settlement blocks to Israel, further confining the Palestinians to isolated enclaves.