Caught you US Senator Orrin Hatch! Release the Opioid Report Now !

Senator (R-UT) Orrin Hatch
Mr. Hatch — it’s called obstruction of justice and I will continue reporting on you until the US Senate Finance Committee investigation on prescription opioids is made public.
Marianne Skolek-Perez Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) In the 15 years I have been reporting on the prescription opioid epidemic, it has in some ways been frustrating to be a forerunner in exposing the criminal activity of pharma, the FDA, politicians, physicians, pain foundations and organizations profiting from the surging death and addiction rates — while US Senator Orrin Hatch is allowed to obstruct justice.
In 2012, the US Senate Finance Committee announced they were conducting an investigation into the prescription opioid epidemic devastating every state in the country. In the past 5 years, I have Twittered, Facebooked, emailed and texted countless members of the Senate, Congress, Attorneys General, the Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Agency to demand “accountability” as regards this Senate Finance Committee investigation. Below are some links to my reporting on the inattentiveness of the Committee to the crisis and my exposing the criminal actions of contributors to this epidemic.
As time wore on and my Twitters, Facebooks, emails, texts to the powers to be met with no action from the US Senate, I focused exclusively on why US Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah had taken the copy of the investigative report — which was reportedly not even bound — and sealed it closed. Where was the outrage and demand for Hatch to produce the US Senate Finance Committee investigative report on the prescription opioid epidemic?
This week a newspaper in Cape Cod, Massachusetts ran a story that Andrew Kolodny, MD, an addiction specialist and founder of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP) as well as an advocacy group called Fed Up are “rallying” for release of the US Senate Finance Committee report. This “rally for release” should be a battle cry for every family in the country whose family has suffered the loss of a loved one to demand Mr. Hatch unseal this critical investigative report.
My focus for the past 15 years has predominantly been on Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin because I have researched them extensively and know their criminal motivations in marketing the dangerous opioid. My focus is now also on the other pharmaceutical companies investigated by the US Senate Finance Committee and their criminal activity and conflicts of interest. They are Endo Pharmaceuticals and Johnson & Johnson.
How many thousands of lives could have been saved and how many profiteers could have been stopped from lining their pockets with pharma revenue if there had been a resounding demand for a timely release of the US Senate Finance Committee investigation into the prescription opioid epidemic? Why was Orrin Hatch allowed to seal an investigative report conducted by the US Senate Finance Committee?
Where was the outrage since 2012 leading to Mr. Hatch’s disregard for your children’s lives as a potential state of emergency looms to be called in the prescription opioid/heroin Tsunami?
Mr. Hatch — it’s called obstruction of justice and I will continue reporting on you until the US Senate Finance Committee investigation on prescription opioids is made public.
Global News Centre’s Marianne Skolek, is an Investigative Reporter who focuses on the Prescription Opioid/Heroin Epidemic in the U.S. and Canada. In particular, Marianne has covered the criminal marketing of OxyContin going back to 1999 and continuing to the present.
In 2002, Marianne lost her daughter, Jill to prescribed OxyContin which her physician referred to as “mobility in a bottle.” It was, in fact, death in a bottle. After doing extensive research on the maker of OxyContin, Purdue Pharma, Marianne began working with the Department of Justice in Virginia in their criminal investigation into Purdue Pharma and in July 2007 was asked by the U.S. Attorney John Brownlee prosecuting the case to testify against the three CEO’s of Purdue Pharma, Michael Friedman, Paul Goldenheim, MD and Howard Udell, Chief Counsel. The CEO’s pleaded guilty to misleading the medical profession about the dangers of OxyContin. Marianne also testified against Purdue Pharma at a Judiciary Hearing of the U.S. Senate in July 2007.
In addition, a dangerous and highly addictive opioid named Zohydro has been approved by the FDA against their Advisory Committee’s advice and Marianne continues to alert Attorneys General, Senators and Congressmen as to the FDA’s irresponsibility in the out of control prescription opioid/heroin epidemic killing and addicting in the tens of thousands each year. Zohydro has been referred to as “heroin in a capsule” and its lowest dosage (10mg) contains twice as much hydrocodone as found in a Vicodin pill. The highest single dose of Zohydro contains as much hydrocodone as 5 to 10 tablets of Vicodin or Lortab. Zohydro mixed with alcohol can be fatal and has no abuse deterrent built in which will make it easy to crush and deliver a fatal dose of the opioid.
Currently Marianne has been instrumental in calling for the termination of Margaret Hamburg, MD, Commissioner of the FDA as well as Bob A. Rappaport, MD and Douglas Throckmorton, MD for their lack of commitment to safeguarding the American public against the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic. Marianne’s research, writing and contact with government agencies and attorneys has also exposed the heavily funded pain foundations set up by the pharmaceutical industry and their paid physician spokespersons who convinced the medical boards in 50 states and Canada that dangerous opioids such as OxyContin were less likely to be addictive. These physicians — in particular Scott Fishman, MD, J. David Haddox, DDS, MD, Perry Fine, MD, Lynn R. Webster, MD, Russell Portenoy, MD also downplayed the risks of addictive opioids in books as authors. These books are still available for sale and promoted to the medical profession.
Here are links to Marianne’s involvement in exposing the national conspiracy of the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic, the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, their pain foundations and paid physician spokespersons.