Senator Hatch receives the American Pain Foundation’s Public Service Award from Dr. Perry Fine, Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Utah. (Undated photo on Hatch’s website)
This past week U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (Utah) announced his retirement from the Senate at 83 years old.
Marianne Skolek-Perez Global News Centre
(MYRTLE BEACH) Before Mr. Hatch attends his retirement party as Chairman of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, maybe some vital matters should be addressed. Hatch was a member of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee in 2012 when an investigation into the prescription opioid epidemic was launched naming several pharmaceutical companies as well as The American Pain Foundation, The American Academy of Pain Medicine and The American Pain Society, as well as several physicians. Two of the physicians named in the investigation were Perry Fine, MD and Lynn Webster, MD both from Utah. I am calling for Hatch to be charged with obstruction of justice and named as a defendant in the many lawsuits filed throughout the country against pharmaceutical companies such as Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin. My call for Orrin Hatch to be brought into legal action is based on the following information as regards the investigation into the prescription opioid epidemic addicting and killing in the tens of thousands:
1) Senator Hatch arbitrarily sealed the completed report into the prescription opioid epidemic devastating every state in the country after it was submitted for publication by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee.
2) Hatch’s friend, Lynn R. Webster, MD (named in the U.S. Senate Finance Committee investigation report sealed by Hatch) had his pain clinic raided by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) several years ago after a rash of deaths under Webster’s care. The DEA conducted a four year investigation into the deaths of patients at Webster’s pain clinic. The agents documented that an entire file cabinet was labeled “deceased patients”. Shortly before Webster was to be charged for the deaths in his clinic, the investigation was halted. If any attorneys general or private law firms filing lawsuits throughout the country would like information into why charges were dropped, I am providing you with US Attorney John Huber of Utah’s email address. It is [email protected]. Webster settled individual lawsuits initiated by deceased patients families out of court and it was reported that he can no longer prescribe prescription opioids. Webster has now reinvented himself as pharma’s golden “recreational drug use clinical trial researcher.”
3) Hatch’s other friend is Perry Fine, MD (also under investigation by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee - report sealed by Hatch). Fine is associated with the School of Medicine, University of Utah. Fine was called as an “expert witness” in the late celebrity, Anna Nicole Smith’s suspicious death. During the trial, Dr. Fine said he believed Smith had a “high tolerance for drugs” but was “not addicted.” Ms. Smith was taking 1,500 pills/opioids. “She woke up and functioned from day to day,” Fine said. Here is my link to an article I wrote on Fine in 2012 and his attempt to admonish me. http://salem-news.com/articles/august122012/perry-fine-folo-ms.php
4) The American Pain Foundation named in the US Senate Finance Committee investigation (and report sealed by Orrin Hatch) closed its doors within days of the launch of the Senate probe. Above is a photo of Perry Fine, MD presenting U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch with the American Pain Foundation’s Public Service Award.
5) The American Academy of Pain Medicine named in the U.S. Senate Finance Committee investigation (and report sealed by Orrin Hatch) had Lynn R. Webster, MD serve as past president.
6) The American Pain Society named in the US Senate Finance Committee investigation (and report sealed by (Orrin Hatch) had Lynn R. Webster, MD in a leadership position.
U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch can be compared to the arsonist in a community who ravages people’s lives and homes, but whose profession is “firefighter” and paid to put out fires he caused.
Hopefully Hatch’s blatant obstruction of justice which has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and addictions will result in attorneys general and law firms naming him as a defendant in lawsuits. He would be in good company with his pals Lynn R. Webster, MD and Perry Fine, MD who he has protected by sealing a critical report prepared by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee.
Marianne Skolek Perez, Consultant
Prescription Opioid Epidemic
Global News Centre’s Marianne Skolek, is an Investigative Reporter who focuses on the Prescription Opioid/Heroin Epidemic in the U.S. and Canada. In particular, Marianne has covered the criminal marketing of OxyContin going back to 1999 and continuing to the present.
In 2002, Marianne lost her daughter, Jill to prescribed OxyContin which her physician referred to as “mobility in a bottle.” It was, in fact, death in a bottle. After doing extensive research on the maker of OxyContin, Purdue Pharma, Marianne began working with the Department of Justice in Virginia in their criminal investigation into Purdue Pharma and in July 2007 was asked by the U.S. Attorney John Brownlee prosecuting the case to testify against the three CEO’s of Purdue Pharma, Michael Friedman, Paul Goldenheim, MD and Howard Udell, Chief Counsel. The CEO’s pleaded guilty to misleading the medical profession about the dangers of OxyContin. Marianne also testified against Purdue Pharma at a Judiciary Hearing of the U.S. Senate in July 2007.
In addition, a dangerous and highly addictive opioid named Zohydro has been approved by the FDA against their Advisory Committee’s advice and Marianne continues to alert Attorneys General, Senators and Congressmen as to the FDA’s irresponsibility in the out of control prescription opioid/heroin epidemic killing and addicting in the tens of thousands each year. Zohydro has been referred to as “heroin in a capsule” and its lowest dosage (10mg) contains twice as much hydrocodone as found in a Vicodin pill. The highest single dose of Zohydro contains as much hydrocodone as 5 to 10 tablets of Vicodin or Lortab. Zohydro mixed with alcohol can be fatal and has no abuse deterrent built in which will make it easy to crush and deliver a fatal dose of the opioid.
Currently Marianne has been instrumental in calling for the termination of Margaret Hamburg, MD, Commissioner of the FDA as well as Bob A. Rappaport, MD and Douglas Throckmorton, MD for their lack of commitment to safeguarding the American public against the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic. Marianne’s research, writing and contact with government agencies and attorneys has also exposed the heavily funded pain foundations set up by the pharmaceutical industry and their paid physician spokespersons who convinced the medical boards in 50 states and Canada that dangerous opioids such as OxyContin were less likely to be addictive. These physicians — in particular Scott Fishman, MD, J. David Haddox, DDS, MD, Perry Fine, MD, Lynn R. Webster, MD, Russell Portenoy, MD also downplayed the risks of addictive opioids in books as authors. These books are still available for sale and promoted to the medical profession.
Here are links to Marianne’s involvement in exposing the national conspiracy of the prescription opioid/heroin epidemic, the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, their pain foundations and paid physician spokespersons.
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