NASA’s unexplained files

nasa-unexplained“200 -300 years ago people sometimes described in strange accuracy the same phenomenon we are observing today. Therefore I believe that these are warning signs that something is happening dramatically. On Aug. 15, 2007 an airplane was on approach and the pilot was actually reporting to the tower ‘I see lights all over the place here and there’.  Within hours of the sightings there was a 9.8 earthquake in Peru equivalent to several hundred thousand atom bombs exploding at the same moment.” - NASA scientist Friedemann Freund, Senior Scientist at Ames Research Center - Dec.4, 1999

Edsel Chromie Global News Centre

(SAN DIEGO)   Data recorded in the NASA Unexplained files of 5/20/2015 “Lethal Weapons” and the 6/3/2015 “Top Secret Terror” together conform with my concept of earthquakes and comets. In the 6/3 segment the narrator said: “What you are looking at is not computer graphics. This is an actual recording of an encounter of an object in the skies over Norway.”  There were several still unexplained floating orbs, or lights that seem to be hanging in the air.

In 1973 a retired grain inspector and his wife were paddling up Lake Hagis in a small boat in the Yukon Territory when they saw 4 bright orbs about 4 ‘ in diameter about  300 meters away that were very bright and holding their positions then they joined together and headed toward the mountain where others appeared and then moved on.  On the same day a 6.7 earthquake struck the coast of Alaska less than 200 miles from that position.

Chris Rutkowski, Science writer, said: “Objects seen as light in the daytime would have to be very bright indeed.  We’re told that these things are classified, which is puzzling.”

Actually, these lights have been reported by airline pilots and astronauts for many years and have defied explanation by the science community.

On Dec.4, 1999 NASA scientist Friedemann Freund, Senior Scientist at Ames Research Center investigated the phenomenon and discovered that these sightings have historical precedent.   He said: “200 -300 years ago people sometimes described in strange accuracy the same phenomenon we are observing today. Therefore I believe that these are warning signs that something is happening dramatically. On Aug. 15, 2007 an airplane was on approach and the pilot was actually reporting to the tower ‘I see lights all over the place here and there’.  Within hours of the sightings there was a 9.8 earthquake in Peru equivalent to several hundred thousand atom bombs exploding at the same moment.”

The geologists have been explaining these glows as the result of the friction caused by the movement of the Earth during an earthquake.  However, these glows have been reported before there was any indication of the movement of the ground.

Dr. Freund believes that the lights might be reactions to certain kinds of rocks deep in the crust that produce electric discharges.  He said: “The basic rocks when they solidify, during the cooling produce effects which from the stresses produce electricity.  You have rocks that are being stressed by the forces of the deep earth and become the source of the electricity that is flowing through the rocks, reaching the surface of the Earth, going into the atmosphere and producing light.”

Dr. Freund’s explanation depends on questionable and unproven speculation.  My concept is described in the Boys’ Book of Science that states “If you hold a 3’ long iron pipe perpendicular to the Earth with the top end tilted slightly toward the North, the Earth’s magnetic field will align the polarity of all of the atoms in the pipe in the same direction creating a magnet.”

By the same example, the magnetic field of the Earth will align the polarity of all of the ferrous minerals in the Earth in the same direction creating magnetic sections of the Earth that will generate electrical energy.  The tectonic plates are separated in precise lines instead of being one cohesive mass of earth.  This separation is probably caused by ferrous minerals along the lines that have the same polarity that continuously reject each other. With the Earth’s magnetic field spinning through the magnetic field of the Sun it will generate an electrical charge the same way a generator generates electricity – by spinning the magnetic field of the rotor through the magnetic field of the stator.  So the Earth represents the rotor while the Sun produces the magnetic field of the stator.  The electricity generated will create abnormal charges of like polarity along the fault lines of the Earth.  When these charges become sufficiently intense, the  section of the tectonic plates will violently repel each other and cause an earthquake.  This repelling characteristic is the same as the ball of pith that is violently repelled from wool by static electricity when they are rubbed together. These are proven characteristics described in the Boys’ Book of Science.  The geologists claim that the tectonic plates are crashing into each other but they cannot explain where the awesome amount of energy comes from to move the immense volume and weight of the earth during an earthquake. The recent discovery that it is the collision of two electromagnetic loops on the Sun that produces the most powerful explosions in the solar system provides the answer to where the energy comes from.  However, only a very small segment of any of the plates ever move and they do not always react as two plates crashing together would.  However, the adjoining plate segments always react the same way two magnets of like polarity would when the come into contact. One will always try to realign their polarity in the natural positive and negative configuration. This causes one tectonic plate to appear to “dive under the adjoining plate or push up into a mountain” or simple spread apart when the two become of excessive intensity.

Also in the 5/20 NASA report Astrophysicist Hakeem Oluseyi said: “Comet Ison was supposed to be the comet of the century and it’s coming right by our doorstep.”

The narrator said: “NASA goes to extraordinary lengths to capture images of the planetary wanderer. But the images taken by the Hubble Telescope reveals that this deep space intruder is not what everyone expected and creates shock waves on Earth. When you look at Ison it has a completely different shape; a center, 2 wings, almost like a spaceship.”

Matt Genge, Planetary Scientist, said: “Looking at it one might think it is an alien spacecraft. “

Mike Capps Technology theorist, said; “When you look at it closely it had a shape that didn’t make any sense.  It was almost a triangular shape.  Something that looked very artificial.”

The narrator said: “Ison left the scientists with very little data about the comet.”

Also on Sept, 15, 2013 they reported on asteroid R3. The narrator said: “They discovered that it is traveling in a cloud of debris almost as wide as the Earth.  When the world’s most powerful optical telescope looks at R3 the images it captures shock the scientific community.  The asteroids behavior is strange enough to warrant further investigation from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.  The high resolution images suggest a mysterious energy is destroying the asteroid as it moves through the cosmos. No previously observed natural phenomenon has ever produced this effect.  As the rogue asteroid continues to disintegrate the scientists scramble for answers.  Whatever the force is its powerful enough to spit an asteroid weighing 200,000 tons into chunks up to 600 feet wide.  This astronomical events uniqueness sparks speculation that it is not a natural phenomenon.”

Matt Genge Said: “The asteroid split into eight for no apparent reason.  We’ve never seen this before. What caused this asteroid to breakup is a complete mystery.”

What the Hubble Telescope revealed is about eight separate glowing orbs the same as those seen in Norway and Alaska and many other places.  It does not necessarily indicate that the asteroid actually broke up into separate pieces.  The problem is that the scientists still view the asteroid and comets in their perspective as sunlight reflecting from the surface of the comet nucleus and the asteroid instead of a glow generated by the static electricity or magnetic field. If the asteroid actually broke up into pieces, the pieces would scatter outward but the individual glows remained in a fixed position. So it is the static electricity charge created by the asteroid traveling at high speed against the magnetic field radiated from the Sun that created the glowing orbs around the asteroid the same way the comet nucleus generates its glowing coma.

While the concept of reflected sunlight causes images that does not make sense and create shock waves in the scientific community or creates a scramble for answers, all of these are explained in the Boys’ Book of Science published in the early 1900’s and have been demonstrated in the laboratory in the early 1900’s.

The report that Ison provided the scientists with very little data explains why there was not any NASA report on the Ison comet until now.  I doubt if the Lander Philae will provide any useful information regarding comets either unless the scientists finally change their belief that it is a flaky snowball sublimating dust and ice reflecting sunlight and recognize that it is static electricity creating the glow of the coma and tail of a comet.



chromie-edselEdsel Chromie is a Detroit Michigan native who moved to San Diego in 1965. Edsel is a World War Two Navy veteran who served as a motor machinists mate on diesel electric systems where he learned about the magnetic field current swirling around the primary current flow through a wire as a part of Navy training to trace the direction of flow of the electricity in case of torpedo damage.

This led to Edsel’s unique explanations of many phenomena of the universe. He also has four approved patents on solar energy and Sun tracking systems. Today Edsel writes about this unique set of life experiences for, conveying information that seems especially relevant as nuclear disaster, potential changes in the earth’s atmosphere, and what many view as an increasing level of natural disasters continue to dominate headlines. Perhaps many of the answers are on hand, yet unaccepted by the scientific community. You can write to Ed Chromie at this address: [email protected]

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