Tag Archives: comparative religion
Author discovers Masonic symbol in Da Vinci’s last painting
Ace Knight’s critical observation connects several groups, time periods, and individuals.
Tim King Global News Centre
(SALEM) Author Ace Knight says he may have discovered a long-hidden Masonic mystery in “St. John the Baptist”, the last painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. As you will see in the video below, Knight discovered the sacred Masonic symbol and it becomes visible when the painting is mirrored, and then rotated 33 degrees together.
John the Baptist, Not Jesus on the Cross?

Global News Centre Special Report
(BOSTON) - Recent research embodied in a new book by Agron Belica invites our attention to the predicament of John the Baptist, popularly known for little more than the story of his beheading by order of Herod Antipas at the behest of a seductive dancing girl, the infamous Salome.
His book, The Passion of the Baptist, Not the Christ, arguing from the chronological and historical evidence provided by the ancient Jewish historian Josephus and the New Testament about John, demonstrates that the story of his beheading is almost certainly spurious. Comparison with the writings of Josephus gives the lie to this scenario for, as the detailed scrutiny and evaluation of Josephus’s text shows, Herod Antipas probably did not order John’s execution until 36 CE, half a dozen years later than most datings of the event of the crucifixion. Belica suggests that it was the Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) who was placed on the cross and survived the ordeal and not Jesus, in a case of mistaken identity.