Tag Archives: Ptsd

The Psychology of Projection in Conflict


Afghan boy in Kabul is a reflection of the violence he has witnessed in his brief life. Photo by Tim King

I have chosen and quoted words to illustrate my discussion about the significance of projection and the importance of unconscious emotional content in any conflict.

Robert J. Burrowes Global News Centre

(TASMANIA)    Understanding human conflict requires us to understand human psychology. And it is only when we understand the psychology that drives conflict that we can take intelligent steps to address it.

Vietnam Veteran will not lose 2nd Amendment rights over PTSD

The Kirby family believed they were facing an Orwellian nightmare.

The Kirby family believed they were facing an Orwellian nightmare.

Pat Kirby was told he would lose his right to bear arms because he suffers from wartime PTSD.

Tim King Global News Centre

(MYRTLE CREEK)  An Oregon man who suffers from combat PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) was told he would lose his gun rights in late 2013, because he was deemed “incompetent” by the VA (Veterans Administration).  Pat Kirby, a decorated Vietnam Veteran, was threatened with the loss of his most basic rights as an American, because he doesn’t physically write checks to pay his own bills.  His wife, Susan Kirby, has always taken care of the financial side of their family affairs, ever since he came home from his final tour in Vietnam, in 1972.* For that reason, he was initially told he would literally have to hand over his guns, from his extremely rural location, in the mountains near Roseburg, Oregon.

Violence Against Women: why we keep getting it wrong



If some of the people with whom we interact are particularly scared when people disagree with them, then they will tend to be more forthright in seeking our ‘agreement’ (especially, perhaps, in particular contexts).

Robert J. Burrowes Global News Centre

(TASMANIA)   With the passing of another International Women’s Day, during which much attention around the world has again been focused on tackling violence against women, I would like to explain why none of the initiatives currently being proposed will achieve anything unless we acknowledge, and act on, the cause of this violence.

So let me briefly explain the fundamental cause of violence in our world, including the cause of violence against women, and invite you to do something very personal and effective about it.

Perpetrators of violence learn their craft in childhood. If you inflict violence on a child, it learns to inflict violence on others. The terrorist suffered violence as a child. The individual who perpetrates violence in the home, in the schoolyard or on the street suffered violence as a child. The man who inflicts violence on women suffered violence as a child.

Marijuana, scenarios change, try common sense


Image previously used in a Salem-News.com article by Dr. Phil Leveque

It’s funny how our attitudes change about a lot of stuff in life when we are the ones hurting.

Dr. Glenn Mollette Global News Centre

(NEWBURGH, Indiana)   I’ve never smoked pot. Not once, nada…zero. I guess I must be missing out on something but I’m not sure what.

My wife and I were in Seattle a year or so ago. We were there to visit my son. The city was having their first hemp festival. We saw a number of people walking the streets of Seattle who seemed like they were in a coma. They were in a happy coma but nevertheless they were in some kind of daze.

Since I haven’t partaken of marijuana there is a lot I cannot say about the new legalized drug of choice - well, sort of legalized. Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and DC have their own point of view about how far people can go with pot.

Why do we fear challenging authority?



If some of the people with whom we interact are particularly scared when people disagree with them, then they will tend to be more forthright in seeking our ‘agreement’ (especially, perhaps, in particular contexts).

Robert J. Burrowes Global News Centre

(TASMANIA)  Have you ever noticed your own inclination, or that of other people, to believe what you/they are told by someone seen to be in authority?

For example, did you know that there is overwhelming scientific evidence that the 911 destruction of the World Trade Center buildings 5, 6 and 7 was a false flag operation? That is, 911 was organised by the US and/or Israeli elite(s) and their agents in order to enable them to manipulate public opinion to support their subsequently initiated perpetual war in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Brian David Robinson, E4 Army 82nd Airborne, served his country in Iraq and Afghanistan - Hero

Brian David Robinson

Brian David Robinson

Marianne Skolek Global News Centre

(MYRTLE BEACH) This article is dedicated to the family of Brian David Robinson from Caro, Michigan who served his country and lost his life — not in Iraq or Afghanistan — but in the U.S. after numerous hospitalizations at Veterans Administration hospitals being treated for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addiction.  Here is Brian’s story similar to tens of thousands of other veterans stories who have lost their lives after medical treatment at veterans hospitals with prescription opioids handed out like candy.

US Veterans: homeless, left out in cold

Everywhere in America the signs are present. Homeless Veterans fill shelters, wandering the streets of the nation they swore to protect and serve.  Photo by Tim King Press TV

Everywhere in America the signs are present. Homeless Veterans fill shelters, wandering the streets of the nation they swore to protect and serve. Photo by Tim King Press TV

Politicians in the United States allow the Veterans Administration to operate at substandard levels, the results for former military personnel are devastating.

Tim King Press TV

(SALEM) Everywhere in America the signs are present… Homeless Veterans fill shelters, wandering the streets of the nation they swore to protect and serve. Young people seduced by the illusion of military heroism never have the reality of Veteran life revealed to them by tall talking recruiters. Steeped in lies and trained to deceive at all costs, recruiters keep their mouths shut with regard to the life devastating reality that will face most who serve. For many there are few answers, or none at all. The challenges become too vast; this is why suicide is such an innate problem in the Veteran community.

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