Category Archives: Robert O’Dowd
Fifty years after Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement—speech Is increasingly endangered

Mario Savio
Today at Berkeley, political protests are allowed, but only in two designated places. A speech code in the student housing guide warns against “verbal abuse” and “hate speech.”
Allan Brownfeld Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) October marks the 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement (FSM) at the University of California-Berkeley. To commemorate this student rebellion of the 1960s, the University of California hosted special classes, sing-ins, and a host of other celebratory events. At Berkeley, the steps of Sproul Hall are named after radical student leader Mario Savio. A campus dining hall is called the Free Speech Movement Cafe.
Confessions of a Marine Corps Mutineer
Tim King about two months before being sentenced to 30 days at the Correctional Custody Unit at the Camp Pendleton Marine Base in California. Photo: U.S. Marine Corps
Definition of MUTINY - forcible or passive resistance to lawful authority; especially: concerted revolt (as of a naval crew) against discipline or a superior officer.
Tim King
(SALEM) I became a bit of an expert on the military legal system during my time as a U.S. Marine. I don’t know if it was half me and half the Marine Corps, or just how it all came to be the mess that it was; but I do feel that I became a qualified expert of sorts at being a Marine troublemaker. In Marine Corps jargon I was a ‘Shitbird’ and believe me, it was more like a club than just a word used to belittle us.
BETRAYAL: Book Review by Bradford I. Brunson, Ph.D.
There are numerous former Marines, their dependents/families, and civilians that have been unduly affected in a negative way by their affiliation with MCAS El Toro.
Global News Centre
(WASHINGTON DC) I have known Robert O’Dowd [Bob] for the past two years. We became acquainted through his writings, research and publications pertaining to MCAS, El Toro. I am a former U.S. Marine, previously stationed at MCAS, El Toro between 1969 and 1971. I am also a practicing, licensed psychologist in the State of Texas for the past 30 years. I was assigned twice to the Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare School training command. I also served nearby at the Marine Barracks, Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. I was exposed to numerous chemical contaminants during NBC Warfare School training [including Dioxin, TCE’s, Mustard Gas, various CS Gas compounds, and possibly nerve gas [Sarin] - which I have yet to fully document. Robert O’Dowd has done an extremely thorough, professional and objective recording of the history of MCAS, El Toro; and, the military incidents leading up to the base’s closure in the late 1990’s.