Category Archives: Human trafficking
Vancouver targeted for new criminal investigation
Historic Common Law Grand Jury will investigate murders, child trafficking and “black ops” by Ndrangheta-Vatican, under Republic’s jurisdiction Directorate reaffirms its support for Kevin Annett.
Global News Centre
(BRUSSELS) Decades of unsolved murders, disappearances and systemic child trafficking will be the subject of the first Common Law Grand Jury ever convened in Canada, commencing January 15, 2015.
Established by the Republic of Kanata’s new constitutional jurisdiction which will be invoked on January 1, a High Court of Justice will launch the Grand Jury inquiry that will “definitely lead to indictments and convictions of some of the top child killers in Canada and the world”, according to a spokeswoman for the ITCCS Central Directorate.
Violence against children: UN gets it wrong
Human beings have a simple choice. We can acknowledge the painful truth that we inflict enormous violence on our children and respond powerfully to that truth. Or we can keep deluding ourselves and, very soon now, walk powerlessly off the cliff edge to extinction. What is your choice?
Robert J. Burrowes Global News Centre
(TASMANIA) The United Nations has just issued a report, ‘Why Children’s Protection from Violence should be at the Heart of the Post-2015 Development
This is a worthy ideal.
The Maggots are dropping like flies: a requiem for Cardinal Sean Brady, as the papal mess falls

Cardinal Sean Brady photo courtesy: The Guardian
Forcing an eleven year old church rape victim to sign a statement that it never happened is one of the sad but necessary jobs of any catholic priest – and they all do it, or protect those who do.
Global News Centre
(NANAIMO ISLAND) Life is tough these days for that growing constitutency known as deposed catholic hierarchs.
Ask Sean Brady. One moment he’s riding high as Ireland’s top papal cop, dining with Presidents and smiling for the cameras; then in a twinkling, he’s out on his ass, wondering what the bejazuz went wrong.
VIDEO - Kevin Annett: ITCCS takes down Satanic child sacrifice. Exposes Cargill, Sinclair Oil execs, Montreal Bishop & McGill University
As of this writing ITCCS interrogations of the two Ninth Circle cult participants will hopefully uncover the location of the children held at McGill for sacrifice, as well as more details about Ninth Circle operations in Montreal and elsewhere.
Global News Centre
VANCOUVER, BC - In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre from Kitchner, ON, Kevin Annett, field Secretary of the International Common Law Court of Justice <> disclosed that an August 15, 2014 takedown by trained Court Direct Action Units of a planned Satanic child sacrifice ritual in Montreal, QC resulted in the arrest of two Satanic Ninth Circle cult participants in the planned crime, as well as the exposure of participants Cargill Corporation executive Kerry Brick and Sinclair Oil, Ltd executive Stephen Holding, as well as an as yet unnamed Bishop of Montreal. The two children to be used at the Satanic sacrifice are apparently being held at McGill University.
Britain spawned atrocities, political tension, turmoil against Tamils since the first capture and occupation in 1815 to- date
British-trained STF, which is a full-fledged military outfit under the SL Police and was directly engaged in acts of genocide in the East as well as in Vanni during the war, has started arbitrary arrests in Jaffna peninsula during the night time.
Global News Centre
Since every organisation and Eelam activists including TNA have struck in a big wall of rock in their efforts in trying to have negotiated peace settlement for the Tamil’s long standing ethnic problem, because Mahinda Rajapaksa and his Government has told that Sri Lanka is a Sinhalese country. Even after that TNA had several rounds of talks more than ten. Mahinda even failed to attend about four meetings and cheated TNA.
Organizers of the meeting fail to submit any peace solution to the Tamils. Therefore Tamils final chance to request the world leaders to have a referendum whether Tamils want to live united with Sinhalese or to go separately? because they are leaders who are requesting Tamil leaders to go for a negotiated settlement.
Child Sacrifice Ritual stopped, and Pope Francis set to resign
An Update from Kevin Annett in Montreal…
Global News Centre
(MONTREAL) On August 15, our Direct Action Unit Alpha Team stopped a planned child sacrificial ritual in the Outremont district of Montreal, and arrested and interrogated two members of the Ninth Circle cult. (see, August 17)
DRC: Three members of human rights organisation AGAPE Hauts-Plateaux held by rebel group
On 14 August 2014, around 2:00 pm, while the human rights defenders were working, they were intercepted by the leader of one of the armed groups operating in the region, who immediately took them into custody in a lock-up in Burongi.
William Gomes Global News Centre Human Rights Ambassador
(YORK) AGAPE Hauts-Plateaux is a human rights organisation based in the Minembwe highlands in South Kivu province, which advocates for the demobilisation and welfare of child soldiers who are exploited by various armed groups operating in the region.
Since August 6, 2014, the three defenders have been part of a team that AGAPE Hauts-Plateaux had sent on mission to conduct a follow-up of children who have recently been demobilised from armed groups. The mission was planned for different localities of Hauts-Plateaux, including Minembwe, Itombwe and Bijombo.
PAKISTAN: Targeting Christian girls for rape and outrage
A 12-year old is forcibly raped by two men and her family says police are not investigating fairly.
Global News Centre
(LAHORE) LEAD (Legal Evangelical Assistance Development) along with the family of the victim, protested Tuesday after complaints of police not fairly investigating the case of a twelve-year-old Christian girl’s rape.
Liaqat Masih has four daughters and four work in homes as maids. His wife also work in a home as a maid. He has one minor daughter, 12-year-old Muqadas, who also works in a home as maid. On 2 August 2014 at about 2:00 pm, when Muqadas and her elder sister Asma were coming back home from work, Muqadas was forcibly kidnapped by two men and three unknown women. They took her in a school building and two men, Ashraf Alias Achi and Ghaffor Alias Paida, raped her one by one.
The Curse of the Caste System - Part 1
It is a fallacy to belief that the four castes are based on birth. A Brahmin has not only to be ethical and spiritual, but must also be able to spread God’s message with love and compassion.
Visvanathan Sivan for Global News Centre
(MELBOURNE) “The fourfold caste was created by Me by the different distribution of Guna (past life characteristics) and karma (accumulated past positive and negative actions). Though I am the author thereof, know Me to be the actionless and changeless.” So said Lord Krishna to his disciple, Arjuna, in the battlefield of Krukshetra in the Bhagavad Gita, Chap.4, verse 13.
Albanian-American Author and Musician: “Leave those Babies Alone”
Tim King with Agron Belica Global News Centre
The #1 controversy facing American parents in 2010 was male infant circumcision. That’s quite a statement, but the real eye opener is the knowledge that it is needless, genital mutilation, and that it is dangerous, even potentially fatal, particularly for infants. In fact not a single medical group in the world.
Human trafficking has no place in modern world, General Assembly President says
“We can do more and much more,” he said, “We must better understand the nature of the crime that we are trying to confront.” - Martin Sajdik, President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), said that the Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking
Global News Centre
Human trafficking has no place in the modern world, the President of the General Assembly declared today at a special event at United Nations Headquarters ahead of the observance of the first ever World Day against Trafficking in Persons.