Category Archives: Native_american
Vancouver targeted for new criminal investigation
Historic Common Law Grand Jury will investigate murders, child trafficking and “black ops” by Ndrangheta-Vatican, under Republic’s jurisdiction Directorate reaffirms its support for Kevin Annett.
Global News Centre
(BRUSSELS) Decades of unsolved murders, disappearances and systemic child trafficking will be the subject of the first Common Law Grand Jury ever convened in Canada, commencing January 15, 2015.
Established by the Republic of Kanata’s new constitutional jurisdiction which will be invoked on January 1, a High Court of Justice will launch the Grand Jury inquiry that will “definitely lead to indictments and convictions of some of the top child killers in Canada and the world”, according to a spokeswoman for the ITCCS Central Directorate.
From child killing to union busting: business as usual in the United Church of Canada
Janet McDonald (the United Church staffer) went into a rage … I asked if she was threatening us and she said, “I’ll do more than threaten you” and she came at me with a closed fist ready to strike me in the head. I suppose this is the Christian thing to do. She then grabbed our 10 x 10 shade tent and threw it out onto the road where it broke. - striking CUPE union member, United Church Naramata Centre, Kelowna, September 28, 2014
Kevin D. Annett Global News Centre
(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) The place bears what once was a fond memory for me: that sunny May afternoon at the Naramata Centre, back in 1990, when I was ordained into the ranks of complicity as a United Church clergyman. The place is really beautiful, as befits a hang out for comfy and chubby church goers: serene parkland on the shores of lovely Lake Okanagan, far away from aboriginal lawsuits, mass graves of brown kids and bad vibes. But things aren’t especially lovely these days for the union members who work at the Naramata Centre, who’ve been locked out by the officially “justice loving” United Church of Canada because of the latter’s desire to cut costs by contracting out their jobs.
2014 Wolf Walk progressing across Northwest
Wolf advocates intend to aid North American wolf population, beleaguered by removal from Endangered Species Act.
Tim King Global News Centre
(SALEM) Calling Mato Woksape a spiritual person is accurate, but still a tremendous understatement. This Native American from Oregon is leading the 2014 North American Wolf Walk which began near Madras earlier this month. He is raising awareness and building pressure on the government which he believes is collectively turning its back on one of the world’s most sacred animals. Woksape, knows through inside circles as the Invisible Warrior, says the Wolf Walkers are on a spiritual journey to get in touch with the wild spirit of the wolf.
It’s time we exposed the Indians (Or should we heal ourselves?)
A Globe and Mail Op-Ed Debate…
William Annett Global News Centre
(DAYTONA BEACH) Not long ago, I received a one-pager from an erstwhile friend, one of those thinking Canadians who love to indulge in those insightful forums conducted by Canada’s leading broad-minded broad sheet, formerly Toronto but latterly National, the Globe and Mail. This particular straw poll cum write-in citizens’ forum was entitled “Canada’s First Nations Debate.” This is intellectual, heady stuff, but carefully balanced. In the best Toronto tradition.
The TRC Interim Report: a reprise… The Truth That Failed
And even madmen manage to convey
Unwelcome truths in lonely gibberish.
- W.H. Auden The Quest
William Annett Global News Centre
(DAYTONA BEACH) Things have been busy in Florida, what with hurricane season, Rick Scott’s campaign to deny food stamps to druggies, and BP’s ad campaign extolling the vacation paradise they’ve wrought in the Gulf. So I’ve been slow to read what was actually issued months ago - a weighty 115-page tome, neither scholarly nor journalistic mais tous les deux, entitled “They Came For The Children.”
VIDEO - Kevin Annett: ITCCS takes down Satanic child sacrifice. Exposes Cargill, Sinclair Oil execs, Montreal Bishop & McGill University
As of this writing ITCCS interrogations of the two Ninth Circle cult participants will hopefully uncover the location of the children held at McGill for sacrifice, as well as more details about Ninth Circle operations in Montreal and elsewhere.
Global News Centre
VANCOUVER, BC - In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre from Kitchner, ON, Kevin Annett, field Secretary of the International Common Law Court of Justice <> disclosed that an August 15, 2014 takedown by trained Court Direct Action Units of a planned Satanic child sacrifice ritual in Montreal, QC resulted in the arrest of two Satanic Ninth Circle cult participants in the planned crime, as well as the exposure of participants Cargill Corporation executive Kerry Brick and Sinclair Oil, Ltd executive Stephen Holding, as well as an as yet unnamed Bishop of Montreal. The two children to be used at the Satanic sacrifice are apparently being held at McGill University.
Child Sacrifice Ritual stopped, and Pope Francis set to resign
An Update from Kevin Annett in Montreal…
Global News Centre
(MONTREAL) On August 15, our Direct Action Unit Alpha Team stopped a planned child sacrificial ritual in the Outremont district of Montreal, and arrested and interrogated two members of the Ninth Circle cult. (see, August 17)
Native warrior/activist Mato Woksape discusses 2014 Wolf Walk and Gathering
Native activist will help activists better understand the plight of the wolf in North America by building solidarity and walking for awareness.
Tim King Global News Centre
(SALEM) With a level of determination that is nearly unrivaled among other advocates, native activist and tribal warrior Mato Woksape is a man on a mission as one of the most outspoken activists for wolves in North America. This summer, Woksape, along with others who share his vast concern for the wolf, will participate.
From Wounded Knee to Gaza Massacre

Above, US army massacre of Native People at Wounded Knee. Below are massacred Hamas police graduates, all victims of Israeli bombs.
The Zionist butchers massacring the Palestinians in Gaza are the same interests that carried out the genocide of 150 million indigenous people in the western hemisphere. Like with us, the British set up the genocide. Just like the Palestinian, every inch of our land is illegally occupied.
Global News Centre
(Mohawk Nation News) US, Canada and Britain are behind Israel’s program of genocide against humanity and Mother Earth. These three corporate entities point to us as the example for Israel to follow. That is why Harper, Obama and Cameron have unending support to the Zionists to cover their historic crimes committed in the Western Hemisphere. Their aim is complete annihilation of the Palestinians and total theft of all their land.